
    head start


     Village Meadows Head Start Room 704


    I am so happy to be starting the year with you all! We are going to have a great year!


    Here is the homelink to our daily videos that you can watch at home with your students.


    Kerber, Kristen / Curiosity Corner Curriculum


    Room 704 Daily Schedule

    8:00-8:10 Greeting at Gate / Hand Sanitizing

    8:15-8:30 Morning Lab Activity

    8:30-:8:50 Greeting Circle/Move It

    8:55-9:00 Hand Washing 

    9:00-9:30:  Breakfast/Cleanup 

    9:30-9:50 Clues and Questions

    9:50-10:05 Math Moments

    10:05-11:00 Outside time / Clean Up/ Cool Down

    11:00-11:30 GAT/ Rhyme Time / STAR

    11:30-12:00 Hand Washing / Lunch 

    12:00-12:10 Tooth Brushing / Hand Washing

    12:15-1:00 Quiet Time

    1:00-2:00 Plan and play / Clean up

    2:00- 2:20 Questions and Reflections / Pack up belongings /Good bye song

    2:30 Dismissal at Main Gate