- Barry Goldwater High
- Advanced Options for Students
- Advanced Placement
Taking the Advanced Placement exams is an important part of all AP courses. Barry Goldwater High School desires that all students take AP exams for the AP classes that they have taken. Scoring well on an AP exam can often earn students college credit for their high school class, saving a significant amount on tuition.
This year each AP exam costs $100.00. Barry Goldwater High School desires that every student be able to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Mrs Bridget Romero, Bridget.Romero@dvusd.org, in the Counseling Office to learn more.
Registration will begin on Tuesday, October 6th. Students must indicate in their myapclassroom account their intention to test. Once they have indicated YES to test in their myapclassroom account, students will need to complete payment transaction with the BGHS Bookstore. Please use this form to complete transaction:
Please contact Mrs Bridget Romero, Bridget.Romero@dvusd.org
AP Article for Parents "AP and the Cost of College" AP BrochureIn July, your AP scores will be available online. You will not get scores in the mail. To get your AP scores, you must sign up for a College Board account at http:// apscore.org