• Bunch of buses


    While students are riding the school bus or waiting at a designated bus stop, they are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of the children as they ride the bus. Listed below is an abbreviated list of bus rules and consequences. A copy of the complete school bus rules and bus misconduct guidelines will be sent home with each student at the beginning of the school year, and is available in the Student's Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

    1. Be courteous and follow the directions of the driver at all times.
    2. Stay seated facing the front with your feet on the floor.
    3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself and inside the bus.
    4. Do not display verbal or physical behavior that disrupts the ride.
    5. No gum chewing, eating, drinking or tobacco.
    6. Demonstrate appropriate behavior at the bus stop.

    Consequences/Disciplinary Action for Infractions on the Bus

    The administration will exercise discretion when determining consequences and may assign a more or less severe consequence than outlined in the guidelines below. All of the infractions and consequences listed in these discipline guidelines are in effect for all school vehicles. Depending on the location and severity of the infraction, the consequence may be in the vehicle and/or school. For example, fighting may result in a suspension from school as well as a loss of bus riding privileges. Some of the more common infractions (this is not an all-inclusive list) are listed below:


    Bus discipline information