McKernan, Tracy
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Classroom Procedures
In this class we will work many types of algebraic problems which mean there will be need of showing many mathematical steps on all assignments. In order to run the class smoothly there needs to be a few procedures.
Beginning and ending class and transitions:
Every morning there will be an agenda on the white board before the students enter the room. This agenda will be posted in the same location every day for the students to look to for the knowledge of what they are to begin as the final bell rings. The students are to be working on the bells assignment while I am taking care of attendance/other matters. I will dismiss the students at the end of each hour, not the bell.
Managing student work:
The homework will be asked of after the bell assignment is complete. If there are any questions to the homework, then we will proceed to answer those questions. The homework itself will be graded during some point in the class hour by myself by a stamp for completion. The homework will be a packet of the unit material so I will not be collecting any homework until the end of the Unit. There will be coordinating baskets for each class hour that are clearly labeled so at any time a student needs to turn in work they may do so. After the homework has been recorded, the work will then be passed back, up to a week later, for the student to keep all assignments in a safe place until the end of each quarter. The assignments will consist of the appropriate heading and work will be done either on the worksheet or in columns on another sheet of paper, showing all work. This will be demonstrated during the first week of school. I will walk around the room each hour checking for understanding of the days work. If there will be any questions regarding the assignment or other work, this would be the time to ask.
Student absences:
Whenever a student would be absent from school, they would need to call into the attendance office, following the schools policy. When a student is absent they will need to make up the work that had been missed. There will be a calendar on a wall with all assignments listed for each day of the month. It would be up to the student to borrow other student’s notes for copying, and to retrieve the missed assignment. For everyday missed there will be two days to make up the work.
Late work:
High school is a very busy time for students. I am an advocate for students to do more with school time then just go to classes. I want to see all students participate in school activities. Therefore, I do have a late work policy but the exception is that all assignments must be in by the day of the unit test for any form of credit. Math works from one unit to the next. When the lessons are completed from the unit, then it is testing time. This gives at most 2 weeks for all assignments to be turned in for credit. Each assignment is worth 10 points, so if 9 assignments then 90 points are expected for completion grade. If any assignments are not turned in by the day of the test, then that assignment grade will be a zero. If it becomes a problem that the same students take advantage of not turning in their assignments each day, then I will require that all work is turned in everyday, with no excuses only zeros. High school needs to be a memorable experience. I am only trying to help in a way that I can.
The grading policy will be discussed the first week of school. As mentioned before, math runs from Unit A to Unit B, and so on. From one unit to the next, the student has all that time to turn in any missing assignments to receive some form of credit. Credit for all complete homework assignments is 10 points. If an assignment is not complete then it is a grade of 5 points, unless the assignment is to be completed at a later time for no more then 7 points. If an assignment is NOT turned in by the last day of the unit, then the grade for the assignment will be 0 points. Any test not passed with a 75%, the student is required to retest. The grading scale is as follows:
1 ( A ) = 90 - 100
2 ( B ) = 80 - 89
3 ( C ) = 70 - 79
4 ( D ) = 60 - 695 ( F ) = 69 - lower
I will take into consideration of class participation and attendance if a student’s grade falls between two grades. Example: If a student receives an 89.4% and participates in class when we have discussions and is present most days, then I will give that student the higher grade of a 1 ( A ).
Needs of diverse learners:
I will take into consideration any IEP plans before making accommodations for my special education students. Everyone benefits from doing every nights homework. Each student will be assessed individually. All students will follow the same procedure for their school work and homework, for absences and late work, and also be graded on the same scale, unless otherwise stated in an IEP plan. Everything will be written large and clear, and also the homework baskets will be clearly labeled. Any specific accommodations will need to be addressed to myself at the beginning of the school year. I am also happy and willing to help in any matter that I can.
Discipline Strategies
“Rules and Consequences”
The function of a classroom rule is to prevent or encourage behavior by clearly stating the student’s expectations. All of the listed classroom rules and consequences are supported and reinforced by the school rules and by the administration staff.
1. Respect all people and all property.
2. Be in assigned seat when the bell rings.
3. Bring all materials to class each day.
1. First offense - Warning.
2. Second offense - Written up.
3. Third offense - Written up with call home.
4. Fourth offense - Removal from classroom to see administrator.
Rules and consequences and the needs of diverse learners:
The rules are simple to understand. I made them this way for my students are to be adults soon and should be treated as adults. If any student can not follow the guidelines I have asked, then they can address their concerns with our administration and myself. These rules and consequences are fair for the age group of my students.
Rule #1 - My students will respect all faculty and staff, teachers, students, and any other individual on our campus. The respect goes to the property of the school and of other people’s belongings. If anyone or anything has been mistreated, then that student will be dealt with by the district means.
Rule #2 - Be to class on time, meaning, to be in the classroom getting ready to start class when the bell rings. This means you should be finding your math packets, calculators, and pencils and placing them on your desk. No one needs to be roaming the room during class time, unless given permission from myself and that means sharpening a pencil or talking with me, not a fellow classmate.
Rule #3 - All materials need to be brought in by the student. I will not provide pencils or paper to any student. I will, however, have a few calculators to be used only during class, NOT to be taken home. The student must have an ID card to rent one out for the class hour. If a student is in need of materials, then that student needs to find another student to provide them with their material needs.
The consequences are simple as well. I do not tolerate any neglect of mine or any school rules. Students will be seen with full consequences if found breaking a rule. If I need to speak to a student regarding one of my rules or of a school rule, then that will be their warning to straighten up and make it right. If there would be a chance a student does not abide to the warning, then a detention will be given, and if more serious a direct call to administration. A student could be asked to leave my classroom if at anytime they are disrupting the learning of others. Again, I want to keep my classroom a place for learning, not discipline.
For the needs of my diverse learners, the students will follow each rule and consequence the same. A student that has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or a BIP (Behavioral Intervention Plan), would need it stated as to what discipline could be administered. It is the teacher’s responsibility to know of these possibilities when addressing the student.