    Gifted Cluster Model
    Cluster grouping is a full day service model. Gifted students are grouped (4-8 identified students) together in a classroom with teachers who are trained to adapt the curriculum and environment for gifted students. These teachers understand and value the unique academic and emotional needs of gifted students, and have built a classroom environment that challenges students in every content area. Gifted students benefit from being grouped with their intellectual peers within a differentiated and enriching classroom. They participate in critical thinking, inquiry, and problem solving. Students are empowered to become organized, self-directed, lifelong learners.
    Classroom compositions are carefully structured with two main goals: to ensure that there is a balance throughout the grade level, and to reduce the learning range found in any given classroom. This system provides opportunities for teachers to more readily respond to the needs of all their students. Acceleration opportunities are available and considered based on individual readiness and needs.
    Placement Qualifications
    Students who score at or above the 97th percentile in any of the three areas will be placed in a Cluster Grouping Classroom. Deer Valley Unified School District has provisional placement (placement in the gifted program as long as the student is successful) when one of the following criteria has been met:
     A percentile score of 95 or 96 in Verbal or Quantitative
     A Verbal or Quantitative score of at least 85 with a Nonverbal score of at least 97 allows for provisional placement in one subject

    Grade Level



    Gifted Services Provided at Gavilan Peak



    Description Of Services







    *Gifted Cluster Placement



    All gifted students are clustered together with a gifted trained teacher for the majority of the school day.


    Reading: enrichment activities and literature, tiered centers and small group instruction.


    Math: enrichment activities/acceleration.



    Grades 1-2



    *Gifted Cluster Placement



    All gifted students are clustered together with a gifted trained teacher for the majority of the school day.


    Reading: enrichment activities and literature, tiered centers and small group instruction. Literature studies and Junior Grade Books.


    Math: pretesting/compacting grade level content, enrichment and acceleration.


    Mandarin Immersion Math-challenge is provided through math instruction in a foreign language.



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