- Park Meadows Elementary
- Medication at School
Medication at School
State laws and school district policy strictly regulate how any medications are given at school. When it is necessary for the nurse to dispense medication to a student during school hours, the following requirements must be met:Medication: In compliance with ARS 15-344 and ARS 32-1901, over-the-counter medications are not available in the Health Center. Tylenol, ibuprofen, Calamine, Neosporin, topical or oral Benadryl, cough drops, antacids or any like remedies are not stocked. Students are not permitted to have medication in their possession at any time without a specific prior written arrangement with the nurse.
Prescription medications must be in an original prescription container labeled for the student with a current date. The label must state directions that coincide with the request being made by the parent.
Over-the-counter Medications needed by students during the school day must be checked in to the Health Center by a parent/guardian. Requests must be in agreement with the manufacturer’s directions or have a superseding physician’s order. Herbal preparations must have a doctor’s order. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pick up any unused or discontinued medications promptly from the health center. At the end of the school year, any medication remaining in the Health Center will be discarded.
Students are not to carry medications at school—not on their person or in their backpack or lunch box unless they have prior approval. Inhalers or Epipens are usually kept in the health office but some students may need to carry it in their backpacks if the following conditions are met: Medication must be kept in original container with pharmacy label at all times and Medication Administration form completed and on file in health office. Also, the "permission to carry inhaler" form should be signed by parent & school nurse and should always be kept with student's medication in the backpack.