Weekly Assignments in ELA/SS


    Monday-Reading: Secret Garden (Visualize);Writing Ms2-D9 Revising Continued; Spelling List #8; SS- 2-06

    Tuesday-VISIT BOOK FAIR; Reading-Secret Garden (Literary Elements) andAntonyms and Synonyms; Writing: Revising II Include Dialogue; SS- Colonial Protest

    Wednesday- SANDRA DAY O’CONNOR DAY;Reading-Miracle of Spring (Visualize) Writing: M2-D11 Revising Part III; SS-A Call to Arms

    Thursday-Reading-Miracle of Spring (Elements of a Drama); Writing:M2-D12 Grammar; SS- What Do You Think?  

    Friday—Reading: Miracle of Spring (Figurative Language) and Quiz; Writing: Developing Interesting Characters; Spelling Test #8; SS-The Revolution Begins


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                               In Class Assignments in ELA/SS for the Week

    Monday-Reading: Airborn (Literary Elements), Antonyms & Synonyms; Writing: M2-D6 Drafting II: Narrative Structure; Spelling List #7; SS-Fall District DBQ- Data Based Question Prompt


    Tuesday-Sept. 17th 1787-CONSTITUTION DAY!! Reading: Library, Airborn (Figurative Language), prefixes un-, non-, dis-; suffixes –y, -ly, -ily; Writing: M2-D7 Drafting III- Completing the Draft; SS- Fall District DBQ- Data Based Question Prompt


    Wednesday- Reading: Airborn (Literary Elements-Character) and Quiz;Writing: M2-D7 Continued; SS- Fall District DBQ- Data Based Question Prompt

    Thursday-Reading: Module 2 Week 1 Assessment; Writing: M2-D8 Revising & Elaboration; SS- 2-05 Boston Masacre Part 2


    Friday- Reading: The Secret Garden (Visualize); Writing: M2-D9 Revising- Elaboration-Organization; Spelling Test #7; SS- 2-06 Boston Tea Party

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    In Class Assignments in ELA/SS


    Monday-Reading: The Science Behind Sight (Summarize); Writing: M2-D5 Prewriting III Id. Details; Spelling List #7; SS-1-13 Fall of the Empire-Aztecs

    Tuesday-Sept. 17th ,1787-CONSTITUTION DAY!! Reading: The Science Behind Sight (Text and Graphic Features) and Multiple Meaning Words; Writing: M2-D6 Drafting I-Beginning the Draft; SS- 1-14 Fall of the Empires- Inca

    Wednesday- Reading: The Science Behind Sight (Text Structure) and Latin Root lumin;Writing: M2-D7 Revising the Draft: Introduction

    Thursday- Reading: Visit the BOOK FAIR!, The Science Behind Sight (Quiz);Writing: M2-D8 Revising the Draft: Conclusion; SS- 1-16 The Anasazi-Mound Builders

    Friday- Reading: Module 2 Week 1 Assessment; Writing: M2-D9 Drafting II: Crafting the Body; Spelling Test #7; SS- 1-17 Maya, Inca, and Aztec- Part 1



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    In Class Assignments in ELA/SS for the week


    Monday- Reading: Kitoto the Mighty (Quiz) and final draft of Readers Response

    Writing: M2-D1 Informative/Expository Genre; Spelling List #6; SS- 1-10 Incan Complexity

    Tuesday-XC Parent Meeting 6pm Library Reading: Module 1 Assessment

    Writing- M2-D2 Vocabulary; Spelling; SS- FALL DISTRICT DBQ-map/draft;

    Wednesday- PATRIOTS DAY-PLEASE WEAR WHITE-Reading: Introduce our new module "Come to Your Senses";Writing: M2-D3 Prewriting I; SS-FALL DISTRICT DBQ- finish draft, revise, type in School City

    Thursday-Reading: Library The Science Behind Sight (Summarize)

    Writing- M2-D4 Prewriting II-choosing a topic; SS- 1-12 Fall of the Empires-Mayan

    Friday—Reading: The Science Behind Sight (Text and Graphic Features)

    Writing- M2-D5 Prewriting III identifying details; Spelling Test #6; SS- 1-13 Fall of the Empires- Aztec


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