Vintage Skeleton

Medical Science 1 Course Expectations

  • Instructor Contact:

        I will always be available to help you if you have questions related to content. I will check email and messages daily and make announcements. If you have any questions on Canvas, don't contact me until you have searched the Canvas Guides.

    Official Course Description:

    This is an introductory course for students preparing for careers in medicine and health. Students will study anatomy and physiology, first aid, treatments and diseases associated with anatomy.

    Primary Medical Science Objectives and Course Competencies:

    1. The student will understand the functioning of human body systems as they relate to the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of various medical disorders and injuries
    2. The student will demonstrate (in a lab setting) basic patient assessment and stabilization techniques as well as demonstrating proficiency in CPR. The student will also identify the primary characteristics and treatment of specific diseases and medical conditions as well as basic surgical procedures and terminology.
    3. These objectives are for medical science 1 and 2.

    Medical Science One Module Overview:

    • Module 1: The Human Body: An Orientation
    • Module 2: Basic Chemistry, Cells and Tissues
    • Module 3: The Integumentary System (Skin), Burns, and Skin Cancer
    • Module 4: The Skeletal System, Skeletal Disorders and Treatment
    • Module 5: The Muscular System, Muscular Disorders and Treatment
    • MODULE 6: This is a REVIEW for the final exam and should be done THROUGHOUT THE COURSE

    Due Dates and Late Work:

    Due dates are considered a "hard" due date meaning late work WILL BE DOCKED POINTS unless specified by the instructor to the student. Student needs to communicate with the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due if the assignment will be late. 

    Late work: Late work will always be accepted BUT at a rate of 5% per day it is late. Also, I will not open up current modules for students who haven't complete previous assignments. Students need to complete the entire module before moving onto the next one.

    FINALS: Dates Vary by Semester

            Who: Deer Valley Online Learning Program Students

    What: In-person DVOLP finals

    Where: Barry Goldwater High School Cafeteria |2820 W Rose Garden Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85027 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Enter from the Rose Garden side of campus (west side)

    Phone: (623) 445-4926

    Bring: Student ID or photo ID

    Grades: Posted in Canvas then reported to your home high school. 

    Time Requirement:

          This is a rigorous course and follows Arizona state standards. Remember that you will also need to study material on a daily basis to prepare yourself for the final exam. Also, presentations are long. You do not need to go through the entire presentation in one day. Pace yourself throughout the module and take notes in sections. Do not feel overwhelmed, a lot of the slides are pictures representing content to help you better understand. Students will also need to submit a MyHours log to show they have completed 9 hours a week in the course.


    Technology Requirement:

       This class will require you to open presentations and also word files. Make sure you have a computer you can go to to open the correct documents. Assignments will not be accepted late because you couldn't access the file or open it up. It is your responsibility as the student to make sure you can open the required documents. If you are having trouble, you need to contact the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due. Once again, it is NOT the teachers responsibility to make sure you the proper tools to complete assignments.


        This course requires different types of work in different categories. The categories will be weighted as follows:

        1. 30% Assignments/Labs (35% for summer sessions)
        2. 45% Test and Quizzes
        3. 20% Final Exam, Students MUST pass the final exam with a 60% or better in order to pass the course.
        4. 5% eSlog submissions (Exempt in summer)

    Grading Scales:

    1.  100-90% = A
    2. 89-80% = B        
    3. 79-70%= C  
    4. 69-60%= D    
    5. 59% and Below = F