• Below you will find information to help with your transition to the SAGE program next year for math.  Math will be one grade level accelerated. The link I provided is for the curriculum you will be missing.

    New reading students are encouraged to read.  Choose a new author, a book that will challenge you, and enjoy.

New to 6th Grade Math

  • If you are new to 6th grade math, it is important that all your skills of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing for fractions, decimals, and whole numbers are fluent.  In 6th grade SAGE we focus on 7th grade standards, which is application of these skills.  Being familiar with ratios, negative numbers, and some algebra will also be helpful.  When you go through the links in Khan do not worry about Unit 8 (data).

    6th grade Khan 

    If you do not login to Khan Academy, your progress is not saved. When logging in, I suggest using Google (your school at learner account).

New to 4th Grade SAGE MAth

  • For those entering 4th grade, you inly should focus on Module 1, 3, 5, and 6.  The others we will fully cover in 4th grade SAGE.  Multiplication facts are a must, so practice if needed.  You should understand large whole numbers and be able to add and subtract them.  We will spend time on multiplying and dividing, but it helps if you work on that also (use the link below).  Being familiar with decimals and fractions is also important.


    4th Grade Khan Academy

    If you do not login to Khan Academy, your progress is not saved. When logging in I suggest using Google (your school at learner account).

New to 5th grade SAGE Math

  • If you are new to 5th grade SAGE math, your calculation skills are the most important.  This includes whole numbers adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.  For decimals and fractions: adding, subtracting, and multiplying.  Division is completed during 5th grade SAGE math.  The very beginning of the new school year will be the only time we review these as an entire class.

    5th grade Khan Academy

    If you do not login to Khan Academy, your progress is not saved. When logging in I suggest using google (your school at learner account).

Entering 3rd grade SAGE

  • Since this is your first year in SAGE, there are no holes to fill over the summer.

    You should all be amazing with your adding and subtracting facts.  Without these short tasks take a long time.

    Learning your multiplication facts over the summer will be very helpful.  Use flash cards, the computer, anything that works.