Clarke, Thomas
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- Boulder Creek High
- AP Stats
AP Stats/MAT206
We live in a new age—the age of information— and we are bombarded with that information, often in the form of raw numbers, graphs, charts, or prediction lines.
AP Statistics is your opportunity to learn how to produce and use data, to recognize bad data, and to make decisions with data.
So, who needs statistics? 106 careers and 32 college majors! (
What is AP Statistics? AP Stats is an introductory course in statistics. You’ll learn how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret data. AP courses also improve your GPA because they are weighted.
Why Should I Take It? Statistics is used by more people than any other kind of math. You will always be able to answer the question “When are we ever going to need this?” Who Uses Statistics? Everyone uses statistics, college-bound or not. Those going to college will probably take some class, some time that uses statistics. Why not be prepared?
How Hard Is AP Stats? If you don’t do any homework, AP Stats can be hard, expect about 30 minutes a day for homework. But it’s not like a regular math class—we don’t have problem after problem in which the answer is “4” or “x + 3.”
Why Should I Take AP Stats? First, it is a full-year class for a course that in college is taught in one semester. So that means you will have plenty of time to ask questions and completely understand the concepts. Take the AP Exam or take it as dual enrollment (MAT206) to get college credit.
Does This Class Count as Math Credit? Absolutely—and the universities in our state system count it too. This class is AP and/or Dual credit.
How Do I Get In? You can take this class as long as you have completed both semesters of Algebra 3/4. You can take this class concurrently with both Pre-Calculus and with Calculus.
Tell your counselor to sign you up or stop by and see Mr. Clarke in room 102B (library) if you have more questions.