• Class Expectations

    • How to Learn Online
    • Canvas (you'll access from the DV Start Page and use your school id and password to login)  
      • DVUSD Instructional Technology Help and Aspire Canvas Help for Students
      • Student Work Submission Expectations
        • all submitted work should be completed by the student, INDEPENDENTLY (parents/guardians are encouraged to read the directions, clarify the expectations, and may assist students with the steps to submit work)
          • inventive spelling
          • student generated responses
          • mistakes create learning experiences
          • written submissions completed by the student
        • students are encouraged to complete assignments daily so they are prepared for the next day's lesson
    • Zoom should be accessed through our Canvas “Home Page” using your DVUSD username and password.
      • Remember to Find a Quiet Place to Learn Without Distractions and a Place to Keep All of Your Learning Materials (away from others who are talking, the tv, etc. remember, we can hear the background noise even if you choose to wear headphones)
      • Be On Time and Ready for School and Ready to Learn (Class Expectations)
        • be dressed (follow school dress code)
        • only eat during designated breaks
        • use the restroom during designated breaks
        • be sitting at a table or desk ready to learn with learning materials available
        • stay in one spot
        • limit distractions (no toys, blankets, stuffed animals, pets, tv, music, other devices, etc.)
        • join meeting with your real name
        • keep video on so we can see your face on the screen (be aware of the privacy of items and people in the background that may be on screen)
          • family members may not be in the screen or join our Zoom lesson conversations
          • family members should email the teacher to set up a separate time to meet to discuss questions/concerns
        • keep sound muted (unmute when it’s your turn to talk)
        • chat box chat is with the teacher
        • politely wait your turn to ask/answer questions
      • Listen, Learn, Engage, and Try Your Best!
      • MyHours 
        • Enter MyHours Attendance Daily/Weekly: Kindergarten Requirement is 10 Hours Per Week -- 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade Time Requirement is 20 Hours Per Week
    • DVUSD Instructional Technology Help and Aspire Canvas Help for Students (technology resources and links) 
      • We may have times when our technology may not work properly, we get disconnected, or our internet may not be working.  We will need to do our best and try to get reconnected and/or continue with our daily Canvas lessons independently.  Links or assignments may have glitches and we will work through those issues as they arise.  Please be sure to check Canvas messages, Canvas announcements, and home email accounts daily so we can communicate with each other.  
    • Communication
      • I believe in open communication & welcome you to contact me anytime with any additional questions or concerns.  Please allow 1 School Day/24 Hours for a response. Thank you again for entrusting your students to me and please reach out if you have any celebrations, questions, and/or concerns.  angela.robidoux@dvusd.org 
    • AI Guidance: Academic Integrity Statement

      To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork.  It means doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through proper citation when you use their ideas or words. If you have questions about the guidelines for academic integrity, you should discuss them with your teacher.