
    K-3 CIA Literacy Coaches

    K-3 CIA Literacy Coaches partner with schools to provide comprehensive services aimed at achieving sustainable improvement in literacy with teachers in grades K-3. The K-3 CIA Literacy Coaches work in direct collaboration with the K-5 Literacy CIAS to provide consistency and alignment with the deployment of DVUSD adopted curriculum, instructional practices, and assessment.

    K-3 CIA Literacy Coaches support the big 5 components of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Literacy support is provided with district adopted assessments and curriculum.

    Teacher support is provided with assessment to drive instruction, including:

    • DIBELS 8th Edition (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills): This screener will be given to all students K-3 to determine students’ need for support. This assessment provides data in the following areas: phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, basic phonics, advanced phonics, word attack skills, accurate and fluent reading of connected text, and reading comprehension.
    • PSI (Phonics Screener for Intervention): This screener is currently given to all students who have an intensive need for support on DIBELS. It will assess students in 15 phonics areas (including letter names and sounds, blends, digraphs, and decoding of syllable types) plus sight words.
    • PASI (Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention): This screener will help to identify phonological skills (including: blending, segmentation, identification, categorization, manipulation, and isolation) that have been mastered and those that need support.
    • Into Reading Benchmark Assessment: This diagnostic assessment will provide both an instructional and independent level for each reader.  Depending on the level, the assessment will include:  reading engagement, oral reading fluency, and comprehension.  In addition, a thorough and supportive teacher analysis component is provided that supports utilizing data to drive instruction.
    • Growth Measure Assessment: This assessment is an online assessment provided by Into Reading for students that read connected text fluently.  The information provided on standards mastery and proficiency levels assists teachers in identifying areas for literacy support.

    K-3 CIA Literacy coaches directly support the deployment of a guaranteed and viable curriculum through Tier 1 instruction.  Tier 1 instruction includes both whole group and small group instruction.  Coaching support focuses on high yield instructional strategies from the most current research in order to have the greatest impact on student learning. The curriculum supported includes:

    • Into Reading Writer's Workshop is the district adopted writing program. It is developmental and used in classrooms K-5.  The program utilizes graphic organizers and goal setting to plan for both narrative and expository writing. This program teachers the writing process with embedded lessons in grammar and conventions to support student's ability to enhance writing.
    • Into Reading is the district adopted reading curriculum for students K-5. It includes resources for the Big 5 (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension).
    • Into Reading is the district adopted program that includes a word study program (spelling). It is used in classrooms K-5. Students engage in sorts and notice patterns and note generalizations about language, allowing them to transfer the learning to their reading and writing. 
    • Amplify Reading-a personalized digital learning platform that supports comprehension and foundational skills.  Students can access this resource via a website at home or in school.

    Support is also provided for Tier 2 Instruction, including:

    • Data analysis to identify specific need, materials, and strategies to meet the needs of the students.
    • Explicit Modeling and/or co-teaching of materials and strategies

    K-3 CIA Literacy Coaches’ support can come in various forms, including:

    • Lesson planning
    • Modeling
    • Co-teaching
    • Reflection of instructional practices
    • Data analysis
    • Deployment of professional development
    • Support of small group instruction implementation in both Tier 1 and Tier 2



    K-3 CIA Literacy Coach Contact Information:


    Mrs. Christy Heritage            

    Mrs. Christy Heritage



    Mrs. Emily Chance                               

    Mrs. Emily Chance



    Mrs. Bernadette Richardson                

    Mrs. Bernadette Richardson



    Mrs. Shelley Currier                 

    Mrs. Shelley Currier  


    Mrs. Veronica Voegtli


    Click name to send an email.