

Degrees and Certifications:

K-8 Elementary Education K-12 Special Education Middle School Math Endorsement

Ms. Goodman

I am Hillary Goodman, and I will be your child's 6th grade math teacher this year! I am so excited to continue my 6th year of teaching in 6th grade. I will also be acting as Co-Advisor of a student-led Yearbook Club and we will be producing the Inspiration Mountain Yearbook!  Previously, I have taught Middle School Math, Special Education, and 5th Grade. I can't wait for another year of excitement, laughter, and learning.

I was born and raised in Arizona, and one of the few who love the heat! I attended the University of Arizona (GO WILDCATS!) and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Special Education and Rehabilitation. Quickly after graduation, I decided to continue my love for learning and education and earned my Masters of Education in Cross-Categorical Special Education and Elementary Education from Arizona State University.

I'm a "dog mom" to a 5 year old Maltipoo named Cooper. I am lucky that most of my family resides in Arizona, and enjoy spending time with them. I love going to Hot Yoga, walking the dog, and wandering the aisles of Target. I have spent my summer facing my fear of the oven, and am beginning to (finally) learn how to cook!

Some of my favorite things: 

Color-Purple / Drink- Diet Coke / Food- Dot's Pretzles / Season- Summer / Store- Target & Amazon / Candy- Hershey "Hugs"