• 6th Grade Mandarin Immersion classes Learning Resources for Parents and Students

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    • Books to read in Chinese:
      1. http://mandarinmatrix.org/ : lots of online materials. Teacher will assign books to students for their
      reading both in class and at home.
      2. http://mandarincompanion.com/products/: they have several books. You can start with Level 1 and
      then move onto Level 2. They are adapted from classic novels, such as Sherlock Homles, Emma, and
      the Secret Garden. See the samples attached. Level 1 books might be a little hard at the beginning,
      but if you keep reading, your Chinese will improve a lot.
      3. http://www.chinesebreeze.net/ : start with Level 1 books and then move up to Level 2 or 3. I read
      with my high school students before. They loved them and the books was not too hard.