Quarter Three Greece/Rome

  • Quarter #3:

    Was Rome stronger as a republic or an empire?

    How did the geographic features of Ancient Greece influence the development of city-states and the spread of Greek culture?
    How did the relationship between Ancient Greece and Rome evolve over time, and what were the key connections between the two civilizations? In what ways did the achievements of the Roman Empire in art, architecture, technology, science, literature, language, and law impact the development of Western civilization?

    Classify a series of historical events and developments as examples of change and/or continuity.

    Define and frame compelling and supporting questions about issues and events in the time period and region studied.

    Use evidence to develop claims and counterclaims in response to compelling questions in the time period and region studied

    Construct and present arguments using claims and evidence from multiple sources

    6.G1.1 - assessed
    Use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.

    Compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated time periods

    Evaluate the causes and effects of conflict and resolution among different societies and cultures.