- Desert Sky Middle School
- Class Expectations
Each student will be required to be on-task in the Math 180 Online Program, as well as in class activities and assignments in the Math 180 Workbook. All students will be expected to be prepared with a charged computer, pencils and a willingness to participate in the lesson of the day.
Only headphones with a wire connection will be allowed in class. I have a class set if your student does not have a pair. Hoods will not be allowed in class. I follow the school guidelines for phone and ear-pods use. A phone is considered "out" if it is in the child's pocket and will be sent to the office for the remainder of the day. Since our floors are carpeted, only water will be allowed as a beverage and snacks will not be allowed. Most importantly, the Chromebook is to be used for software only. Veering off task, which includes using the computer as a mirror, will be considered a technology infraction and consequences will be assigned accordingly.
I believe every student can be at grade level in math if they trust the Math 180 program. It sometimes feels repetitive or doesn't make sense, but it is reteaching those core skills that your student may be missing from earlier grade levels. My students who have committed to the program had great improvement in their core math scores, as well as showing higher level thinking and problem-solving skills in other subjects.