Meet the Teacher



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Preston

Mrs. Preston began teaching in 2006 after graduating from Arizona State University. She later earned a Master of Science in Leadership with an emphasis in Risk Management from GCU. Mrs. Preston enjoys spending time with family, walking her two dogs, and traveling. She married her husband Sean on Catalina Island, CA 25 years ago, then moved to Arizona from Chicago shortly afterwards.  Her husband is a U of A Alum, which means they have a divided household and an exciting time watching college sports, LOL.

The oldest of her 2 sons served in the Air Force and now is a Project Manager for an electric energy company with many IT certifications. The youngest is in high school and, at 6'5", he is a passionate basketball player. A beautiful daughter-in-law joined the family six years ago and recently blessed us with an adorable grandson.

Mrs. Preston has extensive experience in student travel including trips to Washington D.C., Florida, Costa Rica, France, Italy, and Greece. She is also the National Junior Honor Society Advisor helping to teach academically strong students leadership skills and the importance of community involvement on and off campus. If you are interested in traveling or getting more information about the honor society, please reach out to Mrs. Preston.

DVMS House: Basotho  -  Yellow

Mrs. Preston's Favorites

Colors: Ocean Blues & Greens; And Purple

Candy: Swedish Fish, Anything Gummy, Anything Chocolate with Peanut Butter or Nutella

Gift Cards: Starbucks & Amazon

Drinks: Chai Latte (Hot or cold) & Iced Tea, Sprite 

Scents: Seasonal, Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamon, Coconut

Food: Mexican & Mediterranean

Snacks: Popcorn-all flavors, Corn Nuts-any flavor, Pretzels