Each organization must provide guidelines, information and forms to inform and educate coaches, pupils, and parents of the dangers of concussions and head injuries and the risks of continued participation in athletic activity after a concussion.
Before a student participates in an athletic activity, the student, the student’s parents, and the coaches shall participate in a program to educate the participants of the danger of concussions, head injuries, and the risk of continued participation in an athletic activity after a concussion.
All groups or organizations that request use of district-owned or operated property or facilities shall submit to the school principal a written document describing the group’s or organization’s program and verifying that the program is and shall continue to be compliant with A.R.S. 15-341 and Board Policy JJIB. The submitted document must be signed by an official authorized by the group or organization, dated and submitted with the DVUSD Agreement and Application for Use of Facilities to the school principal when the contract is turned in for approval.
LEGAL REF.: A.R.S. 15-341 15-802.01
A.G.O. I86-095
A.A.C. R7-2-808
CROSS REF.: JJJ - Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
KF – Community Use of School Facilities
For more information and before signing this form please visit the CDC concussion guidelines.