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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Online Registration System


Registration is required for all Deer Valley Family Resource Center activities.  Registration opens on the 15th of each month at 9:00 am for the following month's activities.  Registration must be completed online at You can also check on the current status of a class at this website.

For any questions, please contact us (623) 376-3975.

 Eleyo Registration System

  1. Go to
  2. In the right-hand corner, you will see a box that says “Sign In”.  If you do not already have an account, go to "Don't have an account?  Create one now" and set up your parent/guardian profile.
  3. Once you have confirmation that you are registered in the system, you will go back in to “Add Family Member”.  This is where you will add each individual child.
  4. Once you are done adding all children, select "Explore".  You may search for our classes by typing in the course name or by clicking on “Explore All Programs”.
  5. You will click on FTF/Deer Valley Family Resource Center from the drop down.  Classes are categorized per the location.
  6. When registering for classes, you will have to specify each child that is attending.
  7. Once you have registered for all your classes, make sure to go to “cart” and fully checkout.  You will receive a confirmation email as well as an email a few days prior to the date of  the class as a reminder. 
  8. If you are unable to attend a class, you can cancel by phone or email.
  9. If you are invited from a waitlist, you will receive a registration confirmation for that class.

DVUSD Community Education Department is committed to providing opportunities for local citizens and different organizations to become active partners in delivering high quality educational, cultural and recreational enrichment to our community.