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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Federal Programs



The Mission of Federal Programs

The mission of the Federal Programs Department is to work collaboratively with parents, teachers, school administrators, and community members to ensure that we provide extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner.  We strive to find ways to best serve the unique needs of the students at each school.  Our department encompasses several key areas, including Grants Management, Families in Transition, MTSS-B, and supporting with Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV, Education for Homeless Youth, and School Safety Grants.

Deer Valley Unified School District is privileged to participate in several Federal Programs.  All federal programs must follow the guidelines set out by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in order to provide equal opportunities for all students.

Every Student Succeeds Act Link

Title 1 is to support our lower socioeconomically disadvantaged students by giving them fair and equal access to education.  For further information about our  Title I schools please click this link. DV Title I Schools.

Title II is to support professional development and training of Deer Valley teachers throughout our district.

Title III is to help our English language learners be prepared to succeed academically in school, college, and career.

Title IV is to support schools in three areas: Well Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Students, and Effective Use of Technology.

Education for Homeless Children and Youth grant support for our homeless youth in order to give them support and access to their home school whenever possible during the time the family is experiencing homelessness. The goal of this grant is to provide some safety and stability.  For more information on McKinney Vento in Deer Valley, please click on this link. DV McKinney Vento Information

SEI (Structured English Immersion) grant works in conjunction with Title III to support our English Language Learners.

DVUSD Federal Programs Staff

Health and Wellness Resources

Behavior Service Provider available

Provider: Arizona Youth & Family Services, Inc. ( Address:
3707 North 7th Street, Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85014

Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
Phone : 1-602-277-4833
Fax : 1-602-277-4820
Med Records: please contact your case manager or call the main office: 602-277-4833 day – Friday 8am – 5pm or
Email AZYFS.

The District may provide school-based referrals for behavioral health services to a contracted behavioral health services provider pursuant to the children’s behavioral health services fund or
for services through the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. Parents may annually opt into the school-based referrals. There will be a short survey of parents whose children were referred under this program. The District’s website shall contain a list of behavioral service providers with whom the District contracts.

Resources for Families- Health and Wellness

Administrative Leadership and Services