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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Choir, in most cases, is a before/after school activity. Some schools may have a choir during the school day as part of the special area rotation schedule. Please contact your local campus for information.


Sierra Verde Chorus


Choir I (1st year of studies)

Choir I (7th Grade) enables students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired in previous music courses. Students continue the development of vocal production techniques and ensemble participation. Opportunities are provided for students to explore choral music as a means of expression and communication. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students develop an understanding of teamwork and leadership skills. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in local, district, regional, and state events.  Participation in non-school hour rehearsals and performances is required.


Choir II (2nd year of studies)Choir II (8th Grade students) enables students to build upon the skills and knowledge acquired at intermediate level. As students perform choral works and sight-read materials, they expand their performance abilities and creativity. Through the collaborative environment of the choral setting, students demonstrate teamwork and display leadership skills. They develop an understanding of and an appreciation for vocal/instrumental music and its relationship to other disciplines. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in local, district, regional, and state events. Participation in non-school hour rehearsals and performances is required. 


OConnor Choir at Hraduation
This course will provide students with an introduction to or continuing experience in choral singing and an opportunity to develop vocal technique, basic musicianship and performance skills. Participation in non-school hour rehearsals and performances is required.


This course will provide students with a challenging opportunity to continue their musical growth and development through choral singing. Participation in non-school hour rehearsals and performances is required. Students must audition to be placed in this ensemble. 



This course will provide students with a more advanced opportunity to continue their musical growth and development through choral singing. Participation in non-school hour rehearsals and performances is required.  Students must audition to be placed in this ensemble.

Team Leads

Elementary and Middle School: John Denton, West Wing School

High School: Kirk Douglas, Boulder Creek HS

Arizona Academic Standards in the Arts - Music- Performing Ensembles