PowerSchool (Deer Valley's Student Information System) became aware of a "potential" cybersecurity incident on Dec. 28 involving the unauthorized access of some student and staff information through its PowerSource service.
Thankfully, the attacker did not log in to DVUSD's PowerSchool website. This was verified immediately by reviewing all access logs created on or after the date of the incident. In addition, we verified that no student or staff data export occurred in the same period by any unauthorized users.
As a safety precaution, the attacker's known IP (Internet Protocol) address was added to our district's firewall to prevent access to all Deer Valley sites and applications running on our network.
PowerSchool is DVUSD's student information system for student class schedules, attendance, and grades.
Students can access their accounts to view current and historical records of grades and attendance. Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account and manage account preferences.
PowerSchool Accounts
Online access to student information is possible through PowerSchool, a web-based information system. PowerSchool's powerful, easy-to-use communication tools will enable students, parents and educators to work together to improve student achievement through enhanced communication regarding academic progress. Access to real-time data on the web supports increased student responsibility for their own learning.
Q. How does a student sign in to PowerSchool?
A. Students can log in to PowerSchool with their DVUSD username and password. (See student login details.)
Q. How do I create a parent account?
A. To create your account:
1) Click here to create your account.
2) Click on "Create Account" to set up your account information and to link your account to each of your children within our school system. Please note: You will need an Access ID and Access password for EACH child. These were provided by campuses in a letter at the beginning of the school year. If you do not have this information, please contact your child's school secretary, registrar or school counselor.
3) Keep in mind that with Internet access, you will be able to view school-related information about your child at any time. Please do not share your confidential ID or password in order to prevent others from accessing your child's information. Additionally, please remember that these accounts are meant for PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) use ONLY.
Q. Do I have to create a new Parent account if I already have one?
A. No. You should only create a new Parent account if you do not have one. You should follow the directions and use the account access codes provided in the Parent Information letter which you can obtain from the school secretary, registrar or school counselor.
Q. Do I have to create a Parent account for each of my students?
A. No. You should only create one Parent Portal account. Siblings can be added to an existing account by:
obtaining the Access ID for the student that you want to add from the school secretary/counselor
logging into your existing Parent Portal account
selecting the Account Preferences option in the left menu bar
selecting the Students tab from the top menu bar
selecting the Add button in the top right corner and filling in the required information
Click here for directions on how to create a PowerSchool Parent Account.