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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Before & After School Care

Registration Starts - April 3rd!

Community Education school-based Before & After School Care programs offer families with students in grades K-8, ages 5-14, the opportunity to extend their children's learning and development beyond the school day in a safe and supervised environment. 

Our diverse set of enrichment activities such as homework assistance, literacy, organized indoor and outdoor play, crafts, STEM, and access to optional after-school enrichment classes ensures there is something for everyone to enjoy. Seasonal break camps are also offered at select locations throughout the district. 

Need more information?

Download the Community Education 24-25 Parent Handbook! Many of the topics listed below and on our Before & After School Care FAQ are covered in the handbook.

Rates & Plan Options

We offer three types of registration plans to provide a variety of choices to meet the needs of most families-- the Consistent Plan, the Pick Your Weeks plan, and the Drop-In plan. Our knowledgeable account representatives can provide additional information on any of these plans if you are not sure what might work best for you. You can also learn more at our Before & After School Care FAQ.

The following chart lists our pricing: 24-25 rates:

24-25 Rate Chart


Registration Information

Due to the high volume of registrations we receive, we strongly encourage early registration. 
  • Registrations received after July 15th may be subject to a delayed start. 
  • Some sites may reach capacity, and new registrants will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Create or update your Family Profile on ELEYO. The profile is NOT the registration! A new registration contract is required each school year. Returning families will use the same family profile.
  • For a step-by-step guide on how to register, including important changes in pricing and options, please visit our Before & After School Care FAQ.

Invoice Dates & Payment Information

Invoices are generated around the 25th of each month for a due date of the 1st of the upcoming month; this date will vary for weekends and holidays. For a full list of invoice dates and payment options, please visit our Before & After School Care FAQ.

DES Assistance

If you are eligible to receive financial assistance from the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES), you will be responsible for the following:

  • Your daily co-pay as determined by DES
  • Any difference between the daily rate that is subsidized by DES and our daily rate
  • Choosing only the days your child will attend camp
    • If you choose days that your child does not attend, you will pay the full daily rate. 
    • DES will not subsidize days that your child does not attend.
  • Submitting the required documentation

Additional information on applying for DES assistance is available here.

Before and After Group


Location & Contact Information

Each of our experienced and knowledgeable account representatives are available to assist you with your child's needs. You can find your Before & After Care representative and lead instructor in the links below based on the school your child attends. 

Community Education