Before & After School Care FAQ
Before & After School Care FAQ
Many of the topics addressed here are also addressed in the 24-25 Parent Handbook. Please download and save a copy for easy reference!
Location & Contact Information
Each of our experienced and knowledgeable account representatives are available to assist you with your child's needs. You can find your Before & After Care representative and lead instructor in the links below based on the school your child attends.
Rates & Plan Options
We offer three types of registration plans to provide a variety of choices to meet the needs of most families-- the Consistent Plan, the Pick Your Weeks plan, and the Drop-In plan. Our knowledgeable account representatives can provide additional information on any of these plans if you are not sure what might work best for you.
The following chart lists our pricing: 24-25 Rates Chart:
Consistent Plan
This plan offers the stability and assurance of knowing your child has child care for the same 3-5 days every week of the school year. Your commitment to a consistent schedule allows us to offer this at our lowest daily rate. This plan will be invoiced for the month at the daily rate. Unscheduled drop-in days are invoiced at the daily rate plus $5 per day.
Pick Your Weeks
PYW offers the opportunity to choose only those weeks that you want or need, available in mornings only. This mid-range priced plan offers the flexibility of varied weeks. You pay only for those weeks that you choose.
A Drop-In contract allows you to select only those days you choose, with no commitment for a minimum number of days. The cost is $50 per day.
Registration Information
- Registrations received after July 15th may be subject to a delayed start.
- Some sites may reach capacity, and new registrants will be placed on a waiting list.
Create or update your Family Profile ELEYO
The profile is NOT the registration! A new registration contract is required each school year. Returning families will use the same family profile.
Continue to "ENROLL IN" and choose the Before & After School Care option and "NEW CONTRACT" following the online prompts/instructions.
Be sure to read all the agreements.
There is an annual per family registration fee that is collected at the time of contract approval. We encourage early registration to avoid delays in processing your approval and/or being put on a waiting list. Early registration helps us to plan more efficiently.
Per family registration fee:
- $40 per family through 5/31/24
$60 per family beginning 6/1/24
This per-year fee includes families in the same household with shared guardianship.
IMPORTANT changes have been made to our plan options and rates since the 2023-2024 school year. Please review this information in the rates and options section above, and carefully consider your choice of plans. While you don't want to reserve days you don't need, you also want to be sure that the days you do need are reserved in advance.-
Unscheduled additional and/or drop-ins may not be permitted, especially on early release PLC Fridays, due to capacity and ratios.
All additional and/or drop-in days must be submitted and approved by Wednesday to attend Friday.
Requests may be denied if a site does not have sufficient staffing to meet licensing requirements.
Dropping in unscheduled on this day will result in your child being sent to the office for you to pick up if space is not available, or you may be subject to the $50 per day drop in rate.
If you know you will need care on the weekly PLC 90-minute early release days, we recommend you reserve these days in advance. At the same time, we ask that you not reserve this day if you know you will not need it.
Our programs provide a safe, on-site, enriching environment for students before and after their regularly scheduled school day by incorporating activities indoors and outdoors, as well as homework assistance, tutoring, and organized play. Before & After School Care is available to students ages 5-14 in grades K-8. Students must attend school at the site where the program is offered. Early entry kindergarten students are eligible to attend this program once they have reached their 5th birthday.
Invoice Dates & Payment Information
Invoice dates for 2024-2025 are listed below. All payments are due and charged automatically on the 1st of each month. This date will vary for weekends and holidays. If the last day of the month falls during the school week (Monday - Friday), you must select your days for the entire week.
Once invoices are issued, your dates are locked in for that month, and you will need to email your account representative (found under "Locations & Contacts" above) to modify your schedule. Please watch for messages on your monthly invoices regarding invoice dates, especially around holidays and break times. All changes must be requested prior to each of these dates for the upcoming month:
July 25th
August 25th
September 22nd
October 25th
November 17th
December 13th
January 25th
February 23rd
March 25th
April 25th
Payment Options
All accounts will be placed on an automatic payment plan using the debit/credit card or ACH number that you supplied at the time of registration.
Apple Pay is now available for your convenience, if you prefer to utilize this app. Payment will need to be paid prior to the auto pay on the 1st of the month.
Online payments are made by logging into your account at Eleyo. Debit/credit and ACH are available.
DES Assistance
If you are eligible to receive financial assistance from the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES), you will be responsible for the following:
- Your daily co-pay as determined by DES
- Any difference between the daily rate that is subsidized by DES and our daily rate
- Choosing only the days your child will attend camp
- If you choose days that your child does not attend, you will pay the full daily rate.
- DES will not subsidize days that your child does not attend.
- Submitting the required documentation
Additional information on applying for DES assistance is available here.