- Aspire Deer Valley's Online Academy
- Online CTE Courses
CTE Courses
Did you know?
- Online CTE programs are open to all high school students in Deer Valley Unified School District
- Completing a full course sequence (program) results in the opportunity for free industry certification
- e.g., Media Productions leads to an Adobe certification and Business Operations leads to a Microsoft Office certification
- You can earn credit for working your senior year in the CTE Internship program
- You can complete all programs in two years
- You can take any online CTE course in fall, spring, or summer
Online CTE Courses Offered:
- Accounting 1-2
- Business Operations 1-2
- Marketing 1-2
- Media Productions 1-2
- Software & Application Design 1-2
- CTE Internship 1-2
Our Online CTE Students...
- Have career, entrepreneurship, and or work interests
- Start their freshman, sophmore, or junior year
- Are seniors who have completed a program and are in the online CTE Internship courses
- Have full schedules on campus with band, sports, student government, community college, International Bacclaureate program
- Have interest in a course not available on their campus
- Ten, year one semester, CTE courses available online
- Option to continue year two on your campus
- Senior year option for industry internship
- Courses available fall, spring, summer