• WELCOME TO ASPIRE!  Courses I teach are through Aspire Online Academy via the Deer Valley Unified School District.  I teach Health, Fitness Center, and Advanced Fitness Center through asynchronous instruction and the use of canvas to facilitate learning.


    Fitness Center 


    Upon completion of the Fitness Center students will:

    • have the skills needed to enjoy participation in physical activities
    • have an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to learning and performance of physical activities
    • participate regularly in physical activity both during and beyond structured PE class
    • achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness
    • exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in a physical activity setting
    • value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction




    Health Courses Details:

    • Course Description: Health will provide students with the skills and knowledge to make personal health decisions and maintain a healthy environment. Meets the health portion of the graduation requirement. Required with a physical education core class.
    • Course Topics:
      • Module 1: Course Orientation
      • Module 2: Health and Wellness Fundamentals
      • Module 3: Health and Wellness Skills
      • Module 4: Interpersonal Skills
      • Module 5: Promoting Mental and Emotional Health
      • Module 6: Shifting to Positive Thinking
      • Module 7: Managing Stress in Your Life
      • Module 8: Understanding Mental Illness
      • Module 9: Following a Healthy Diet
      • Module 10: Having a Healthy Body Image
      • Module 11: Vaping and Tobacco
      • Module 12: Alcohol
      • Module 13: Medications and Drugs
      • Module 14: TBD
      • Module 15: Internet Safety
      • Module 16: Providing First Aid
      • Module 17: Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS
      • Module 18: Human Reproduction and Development
      • Module 19: Final Exam
Last Modified on August 1, 2023