• Welcome to 8th grade ELA.  I am so excited to begin building our learning community.  I am new to Terramar and this will be my fourth year teaching ELA. The thing I love most about teaching ELA is the way reading and writing together allows me to get to know my students.  

    This year  our major areas of exploration will include: narrative reading and writing, informational reading and writing, and the evaluation of argumentative writing and the construction of successful arguments.  All of this will be done with the use of mentor texts that show us ways to improve our own writing.  In the context of becoming excellent readers and writers, we will examine the literary and grammatical tools that writers employ.  My goal is to provide highly engaging lessons that are driven by student needs and interests while supporting students in becoming highly proficient readers and writers. 

    As I mentioned before, I seek to build learning communities.  I do this by following classroom routines so that students know what to expect and what is expected of them every time they enter the classroom.  Each day students will begin class with a Bell Ringer activity.  This will be followed by a mini lesson or teacher led discussion and then independent or group practice.  Students will also be expected to complete some sort of exit activity before straightening their workspace and moving to their next class.   Another  means of building classroom community, we will spend a fair amount of time the first few weeks working together on our community expectations and learning about the different ways students will be working together throughout the year.  I will also be meeting with students to discuss their personal goals as a reader and a writer and the ways that I can support them.  It’s going to be a great year!



    ELA Schedule:

    1st Period:  8th Grade ELA

    2nd Period:  Read 180

    3rd Period:  Advanced 8th Grade ELA

    4th Period:  8th Grade ELA

    5th Period:  prep

    6th Period:  8th Grade ELA



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