- Highland Lakes School
- Class Homepage
Welcome to the land of Millory! Your student is about to embark on an exciting journey where they will level up to advance, participate in challenges that engage their minds in new ways, and learn concepts they can carry forward in their education. My classroom is a gamified environment where I blend education with fun. So, strap in and enjoy the ride—it's an experience like no other.
Choose your Class:
Choose between 4 classes of humans in this world that will give your special perks and disadvantages for the game.
Be a part of Random Events:
The Floor is Lava, Hands on your Forehead, Trex is Best, Lighting Issues, Freaky Friday, Bow to Your Sensei
Gain levels through earning BB (Bear Bucks):
Each random event, quiz, assignment, and class participation will earn you perks in my classroom. These perks include eating in class, gaining points back on assignments, choosing your seat, working in groups during independent work time, and more.