    What time is school?
    School begins at 8:45 am, students may be on campus at 8:30 am to their classroom or 8:15 am for breakfast. Band, chorus or student council may be here as requested by teachers.
    School ends at 3:30 pm.  We have a fee based Before and After School Care program available for you if you can not pick up your child at release time or need to drop off prior to times listed above.
    What about early release and half days?
    On designated Early Release Fridays, school ends at 2:00 pm.  Before & After Care are available on those days.  Students have normal lunch and lunch recess on these days.
    On designated Half Days, school ends at 12:05 pm.  Before & After Care are available on those days.  Sack lunches are available for purchase upon request on early release days.
    Can I bring in treats for my child's birthday?
    Yes, you may as long as you have communicated this to your student's teacher at least one day in advance.  Everything must be store bought per Maricopa County Health guidelines.  Your student's teacher will advise as to any other restrictions.
    Can I bring in balloons and flowers for my student?
    Arrowhead is focused on a learning environment therefore such distractions are not allowed in the classroom. 
    How do I need to know about registering my child for your school?
    Please follow this link for registration information: Registration/Custody/Transportation/Withdrawal. If you are not in our area boundaries, an open enrollment must first be submitted and accepted.
    Do I really need to have a photo ID every time I come onto campus?
    During office hours of 7:30 am - 4:30 pm, a photo ID is a requirement to enter campus.  We are a secure campus with safety as a top priority! We often have changes in personnel that make it a necessity to be able to identify those who belong on our campus.  In case of an emergency situation such as a lock down, this ensures that you are identified to authorities and, should the need arise that you want to take your student, you have the proper ID to sign them out.
    What if I want to volunteer on campus or field trips?
    We hold volunteer trainings scheduled approx. 3-4 times per year to allow for everyone to attend.  You must take this training to volunteer during the school day or attend field trips.  The first training of the school year offers photo ID opportunity with our school photographer.  The ID makes for easy entry to our campus and verifies you belong here.  We encourage as many as possible to come to the brief, but important training.
    How do I need to dress if I am coming to a program or volunteering at Arrowhead?
    We understand that we are in Arizona and for most of the year it is "HOT."  We do ask you to remember that as adults we set the standard for our children and appreciate you taking that into consideration when on campus. T-Shirts that have negative images or sayings are not allowed on campus for students or adults.
    May I bring my preschool age child with me on campus?
    Siblings are welcome to performances in the cafeteria and the MPR (gym).  However, due to the learning process as well as safety/insurance issues they are not allowed in the classrooms, including party times.  Please make arrangements for all other times you may be on campus for your little ones.