• Social Studies

    The Barry Goldwater Social Studies staff is committed to providing you with a quality high school education which prepares you for any number of post‐secondary options, including choices for college and career.  

    In addition to the traditional high school course of study, examples of specialized programs and endorsements include the International Baccalaureate Program, Advanced Placement courses, and Dual-Enrollment courses.

  • Social Studies Clubs:

                                  Interact:  (Sponsor- Michele Savoia)

                                  Knitting Club:  (Sponsor- Michele Savoia)

                                  Film Club:  (Sponsor- Hunter Hahn)History

  • Here is an example of the Social Studies courses offered:

                   Freshmen:  World History Honors (International Baccalaureate)

                   Sophomores: World History

                                     History  110/111 (Dual Enrollment)


                   Juniors:  US/American History

                                   AP US History (Advanced Placement)

                                   History 103/104  (Dual Enrollment)

                                   Psychology (Elective)

                                   IB Psychology (International  Baccalaureate)

                                   IB History of the Americas (International  Baccalaureate)

                                   Law in Society (Elective)


                    Seniors:    Government


                                   IB 20th Century History (International  Baccalaureate)