    Welcome to the Deer Valley High School Counseling Department. This site includes resources for high school and college/career information.
    Follow us on Twitter @DVHSCounseling.
    Follow us on Instagram @dvhs_skyhawk_counseling
    Join our REMIND (text reminders) for upcoming SCHOLARSHIPS: Text @schdvhs to 81010

  • DVHS Counselors
    Sara Lewis  Last names A-G
     602-467-6768  Sara.Lewis@dvusd.org
    Gabriela Gamero  Last names H-N/504 Coordinator
     602-467-6719  Gabriela.Gamero@dvusd.org
    Denise Darre  Last names O-Z  602-467-6767  Denise.Darre@dvusd.org
    Miko Price  College/Careers/Scholarships  602-467-6718  Miko.Price@dvusd.org
    Stefanie Dryer Wellness Counselor (Southwest Behavioral Health) 602-467-6766  Stefanie.Dryer@dvusd.org