- Highland Lakes School
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Please see the Back to School Night Information below.
I want to welcome you and your child to the third grade! My goal, as classroom teacher, is to facilitate each student’s learning and enhance his or her overall growth and desire to learn. Student growth and development is related to a cooperative and supportive classroom environment. It is my hope that this year will be an exciting and rewarding time for your child in his or her journey to success in learning.
Every child’s success in school is dependent upon many factors. The most important factor is the student, parents and teacher working together to provide the most supportive program of education. Ongoing communication is an essential part of your child’s success in school. Your feedback is welcome and your participation is encouraged! I am excited to work with your child and encourage them to grow and enjoy learning. I can always be reached at lia.house@dvusd.org.
Thank you for your support and cooperation. We are going to have a great year! Please click here to view our Class Supply List*3 ring binder is not needed for our class