
    Welcome to Jewett's Science Website!

    Email me at andrea.jewett@dvusd.org

     No progress reports are sent home this year but grades can be checked online with Powerschools.  If you do not have a PowerSchools code you can get one by taking a picture ID to the front office. 


    In my classroom we use Canvas. You can set up a parent account there as well. 


    My class schedule this year is:


    Period 1 – Gifted Specialist

    Period 2 – Gifted Specialist

    Period 3 – AP Biology

    Period 4 – Lunch

    Period 5 – Biology Gifted

    Period 6 – Biology Honors Gifted 

    Period 7 - Biology Honors Gifted


    Office hours are posted weekly in my classroom.


    Mountain Ridge Mission Statement

    The Mission of Mountain Ridge High School is to provide real world connections within highly engaging classrooms that prepare graduates to meet the rigors and demands of 21st century global citizens.