• Class Homepage
    We currently have on openings for typical peers for the 2024-2025 school year in classes.  All students should be registered for school by their first day of school.  If you are not sure you completed the paperwork, please contact the front office.
    If your child will be riding the bus to or from school, transportation will be contacting you for pick up and drop off times.  If you bring your child to school PLEASE pick up and drop off on time! We will be locking the gate at 9:20am and at 1:05pm, if you come after that time, you will have to check in at the office.  Thank you.
    Every child should come to school with a full sized backpack. Please write your child's name on the inside or outside of the backpack. Check your child's backpack NIGHTLY. Please keep a complete change of clothes in a ziploc bag in your child's backpack. Please include shorts, underwear, shirt and socks. If you have an extra pair of shoes or flip flops these could also be included, just in case the shoes get wet.  If your child wears diapers, please send in diapers as well as wipes.
    Class Schedule