Counselor's Corner

  •    Bulldog PACK logo 
    Welcome to the Home Page of 
    Mrs. Douglas-Salisbury, 
    School Counselor 
    at Barry Goldwater High School.

    This website is designed to provide the students, parents 
    and staff with information about our 
    Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance Program.

    Arizona School Counseling Philosophy
    The vision of Arizona Counseling Program is for school 
    counselors to work collaboratively with faculty, parents, business and industry 
    and the community so that every student regardless of individual difference, 
    will acquire the self-knowledge, educational, occupation and career development 
    competencies needed to succeed and contribute to a ever changing

    Arizona School Counseling Program Mission Statement
    The mission of the Arizona Model: The Foundation for 
    School Counseling Program is to empower all students to reach their maximum 
    potential in the areas of academic, career and 
Last Modified on May 27, 2023