• Promotion Information


    DSMS 8th Grade Parents and Guardians,

    As we go into our last week of the school year, we first want to say thank you for all of your support through this year with its challenges and unique celebrations. Here are some last minute reminders:

    Monday, 5/17 -
           (1) Technology - All 8th graders will be turning in their Chromebooks and Chargers.
           (2) Collection of School Items - Students turn in any band instruments, library books checked out, and take care of any debt as needed (ex: cafeteria).
           (3) Yearbooks – To be distributed to students who have pre-paid
    Tuesday, 5/18 -
         (1) Promotion practice during 1st period
         (2) End of year class awards presentation during last period
    Wednesday, 5/19 – Last Day for 8th Grade with Early Release at 11:35am
         (1) 8:45am Live Streamed Promotion Ceremony for Group 1 (If your student has 1st period with Axelrod, Kaczmarowski, Pawling, Phipps or VonFrankin
         (2) 10:00am Live Streamed Promotion Ceremony for Group 2 (If your student has 1st period with Fleckenstein, Fugate, Kvaale, McKinney, Sims, or Meyer)
         (3)  Live Link to watch the promotion ceremony is: https://www.facebook.com/Desert-Sky-Middle-School-692163910897548/
         (4)  Grads Photography will be taking individual pictures at the ceremony. Since students will be practicing social distancing, they will be allowed to take their masks off for this picture if they so choose. They will be holding their promotion certificate. See website for ordering information.
         (5)  Technology – All students should have turned in their Chromebooks and chargers
         (6)   Awards – Students that have received metals for all year A’s and B’s during their 7th and/or 8th grade years are encouraged to wear at the ceremony.
         (7)   Promotion Folder – Each student will receive a promotion fold which will include promotion program and promotion certificate. Any additional award certificates will be placed in the folder as well. Please ask your student for the folder when they get home to be sure nothing gets lost.   
         (8)  Dress Code Reminder – This is a formal event. Please follow the promotion dress code as listed in the parent promotion letter. Note that school dress code also applies. See parent promotion letter on the DSMS website for details or click the highlighted hyperlink.
         (9)  Posted Promotion Video – Videos of both promotion ceremonies will be uploaded to our website on Thursday, May 20th.
        (10)   Student Dismissal Time -  8th grade students will be dismissed at 11:35am.  
        (11)   Post Promotion Item Pick-up – Office Hours for pickup of promotion certificate/program will begin after 12:00pm on May 19th until the school office closes on May 28, 2021.


    DSMS 7th Grade Parents and Guardians,

    As we go into our last week of the school year, I first want to say thank you for all of your support throughout this year with its challenges and unique celebrations. Here are some last week reminders:

    Monday, 5/17 -
    Start of Returning Borrowed Items
    (1) Collection of Technology Items - We will collect any Chromebooks and Chargers that have not already been turned into the school along.
    (2) Collection of Borrowed Band Instruments – students are to turn into Ms. Sims before leaving for the summer.
    (3) Awards/Yearbooks - Students who qualify for all A’s and B’s for the 20-21 school year will get their metal in the promotion folder. Pre-ordered yearbooks will also be held for pickup.
    Tuesday, 5/18 -
    This is a regular school “A” day (Periods 1, 3, and 5)
    (1) Technology - All 7th graders will be turning in their Chromebooks and Chargers.
    Wednesday, 5/19
    This is a regular school “B” day (Periods 2, 4, and 6)
    Thursday, 5/20 – Last Day for 7th Grade with Early Release at 11:35am
    This is an “A” day (Periods 1, 3, and 5 with shorter time frames due to 11:35am release)
    (1) 7th Award Presentation – Qualifying students will receive 4th quarter Principal’s List/Honor Roll certificates. Those receiving all A’s or A’s/B’s for the entire 20-21 school year will receive metals. Department awards to be given as well.
    (5) Technology – All students should have turned in Chromebooks and chargers before school ends.
    (6) Summer Camp Flyers – Leadership Camp, Volleyball Camp and STEM Camp flyers are available on the school website or in the front office. Students can pick up a flyer outside Mr. Day’s room during the remaining school days.
    (7) Student Dismissal Time - 7th grade students will be dismissed at 11:35am.
    (8) Late Item Pick-up – Parents/Guardians can pick up any certificates and awards received from the front office beginning 12:00pm May 20th until the school office closes on May 28, 2021.

    Exciting information for next year:

    1. Desert Sky remains an “A” rated school by the Arizona Department of Education!
    2. We are going back to our regular school day bell schedule with Periods 1-6 each day.
    3. FLASH (Focused Learning and Strategic Help) 30 minute intervention time will be offered each full day.
    4. We will be adding Orchestra as an elective next year!
    5. Students will receive their own Chromebook/Charger again to aid in learning.
    6. Students will be able to learn in small groups again within the classroom.
    7. Sports and Activities will be back in full swing. Any modifications will be shared closer to the start of the school year.

    Additional new information will be share with the Desert Sky community over the summer. We are looking forward to welcoming back all returning and new students for the 21-22 school year.
    Next year will definitely be a GREAT year to be a THUNDERBOLT!

    Call during normal office hours for questions at 602-467-6500.

    Have a wonderful, restful summer,

    Mrs. Resetar
    Principal of Desert Sky MS