• Mrs. Maggie Fernando 

    Biology Teacher 

  • Biology Course Syllabus (Google Link

    All course content is located on Canvas. Parents- You can sign up to be an observer by following these directions. 


    Contact me: 

    Email: maggie.fernando@dvusd.org 

    Classroom: CC402

    Classroom Phone Voicemail: (623) 376-3246

    Canvas: dvusd.instructure.org (send me a canvas inbox message!) 

     Office Hours: Posted weekly in my classroom  


    Teaching Schedule: 

    Period 1: Biology 

    Period 2: Prep 

    Period 3: Biology 

    Period 4: Biology Honors

    Period 5: Lunch 

    Period 6: Biology Honors

    Period 7: Biology 


    About Me: 


    This is my 11th year teaching and my 2nd year at Mountain Ridge. Previously, I taught at Hillcrest Middle School (STEM & Science) and in Mesa Public Schools. 

    I am married and have a little boy (age 6) and a little girl (age 2). 

    I love to read & spend time with my family!  

    I have my bachelor's degree in Biology and my Master's degree in Secondary Education, both from ASU! I am currently working on another graduate degree in educational leadership.