2025-26 DVUSD Budget Priorities Survey
The Deer Valley Unified School District Governing Board is seeking community input on allocating resources for the upcoming school year (2025-2026 school year) to remain competitive and provide the best learning possibilities for students.
The Budget Committee has been formed and is reaching out to the community to assist with developing a list of budget priorities. For the 2025-2026 school year, the committee will look at balancing the budget with the results of the voters not continuing the financial M&O override, which will result in a reduction of more than $11 million for this next school year. Additional reductions in future years are also expected if the M&O Override is not renewed (for more information regarding the M&O Override, see this link M&O Override information).
Once the committee compiles and categorizes these priorities, a subsequent survey will be sent to the community in January 2025 to rank these budget considerations in order of priority. Scan the QR code below or click here to take the survey. Survey closes January 15, 2025.