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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Beyond the Classroom: Having Fun in Athletics and the Arts

Union Park Baseball Player

Excellence in the classroom is a primary goal of DVUSD. However, it is not the only goal of our district, as we realize there is more to a child's educational experience than homework and tests. While many private and charter schools mandate 2-3 hours of homework per night for each student as they teach to the test, DVUSD encourages students to sharpen their leadership skills and problem-solving skills while enhancing their social skills and feelings of self-worth through extracurricular activities.

Studies show when a child participates in extracurricular activities, those students tend to have higher grades, better test scores, and more positive educational experiences in general. The positive effects of these activities extend beyond the classroom, as these students also have opportunities to develop personal interests and discover their strengths and weaknesses, which is especially important during the adolescent stage of self-exploration.

Studies also show common trends in the causal effects of the types of activities students participate in. Students who participate in academic clubs build leadership skills, whereas students who participate in athletic clubs develop problem-solving skills. Students who contribute time performing in the arts record higher levels of positive self-development and greater engagement in the school environment. Participation in both academic and athletic activities results in higher levels of self-worth. Increasing students’ levels of self-worth creates a feeling of connection to their learning environment, which enhances their motivation to grow academically and personally.

DVUSD Visual and Performing Arts


A play at Gavilan Peak School

The foundation of DVUSD's dedication to the arts begins in kindergarten with visual arts and music. As a child matures, more opportunities for learning and performing outside the classroom become available with band and choir in the middle school years, followed by theatre and dance in high school. Visual arts are offered from kindergarten through 12th grade.

DVUSD's arts programs are guided by the Arizona Department of Education's Arts Standards, and each year dozens of DVUSD high school seniors earn the Arizona State Seal of Arts Proficiency. Many DVUSD arts programs finish in the top of regional, state, and national competitions.

DVUSD Athletics


Boulder Creek vs. O


DVUSD's athletics foundation also starts in kindergarten with regular periods of recess and physical education, which meet the Arizona Department of Education's standards for K-12 physical education. Beginning in middle school, opportunities for individual and team sports participation become available to all students, with more team and individual opportunities at the high school level. Athletes are recognized each school year at the district's Pursuing Victory with Honor awards ceremony, and the district proudly shares the accomplishments of our state champions in both individual and team titles.