The Basis of a DVUSD Education
The basis of a DVUSD education is rooted in our vision and mission statements. DVUSD's vision is to graduate lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world. DVUSD's mission is to provide extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner. Both statements focus on the ultimate benefactor of a DVUSD education: the student.
DVUSD does not benefit a group of corporate shareholders, nor does it benefit a global grift in the name of private education. DVUSD benefits students and families right here in northern Maricopa County. Each student who meets DVUSD's vision and mission goals not only benefits directly, but in turn that graduate continues to positively influence his/her workplace, peers, and community.
An investment in a student's public education with DVUSD is a greater return on investment than any dividend payment from Wall Street.
"Graduating lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world."
Learning goes beyond the classroom, and learning is not just confined to childhood. A DVUSD education sparks a desire to learn, ask questions, work with others, and understand a changing world our graduates are entering. DVUSD graduates are positively impacting the world, and their stories are shared through DVUSD's Portrait of a Graduate initiative and video series.
"Our mission is to provide extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner."
You read that correctly-- EVERY learner. If your child is a resident of Arizona, he/she is eligible for a DVUSD education. There is no voucher approval process and no preferential treatment to the highest bidder.
Regardless of your child's special needs, your family's backstory, or how much your annual household income is, your child is welcome to a DVUSD school. While charter and private schools attempt to cherry-pick who they feel are the best students, all are welcome to the extraordinary educational opportunities at a DVUSD school.