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Deer Valley Unified School District

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Enrollment FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for New Residents about Enrollment

How old does my child need to be to enter kindergarten?

Students must be 5 years old by August 31 to enter school. If your child turns 5 after August 31, they are not eligible for kindergarten until the following year. Children who turn 5 years old after August 31 may be early entry tested. 

Which school will my child attend?
School boundaries, even for new schools, are set well in advance of each new school year. View the interactive school boundary map to discover which schools serve your neighborhood. The Deer Valley district offers parents the opportunity to express their preference for any district school. Students can request open enrollment to any school in the district provided space is available. Parents registering their children at a school other than their home school will be responsible for transportation. Principals at each school will accept open enrollment requests based upon capacity as determined by current enrollment and an anticipated growth margin. To determine home school, refer to the attendance area maps or call the District Office at 623-445-5000.

How do I register my child for school?
Registrations can be completed at your home school starting in August. Parents will need to furnish the following information for all students:

  • A birth certificate or a certified copy
  • An immunization record
  • Proof of residency (utility bill, rent receipt, lease agreement, escrow doc., etc.)
  • Legal guardian or custody papers, if applicable
  • Official withdrawal form from the previously attended school (grades 1st - 12th)

Is transportation provided for my child?
State law specifies that a local governing board may provide transportation for students to and from school. Deer Valley School District policy provides that students eligible for busing are those whose place of residence is:

  • Kindergarten - outside one-half mile
  • Grades 1-6 - outside one mile
  • Grades 7-8 - outside one and one-half miles
  • Grades 9-12 - outside one and three-quarter miles

Please contact the district Transportation Office 602-467-5090 if you have questions regarding eligibility of your student for busing. Information regarding bus routes and times are available in each school office.

What special programs or services are available on my child’s campus?
Each Deer Valley campus is tailored to meet the needs of the student population and the community. Thus, programs differ among schools across the district. To get a basic outline of the programs and services offered at your neighborhood school, please view the school profiles – there you will find information on athletic offerings, academic courses and after-school programs.

When does school start?
For the 2025-2026 school year, the first day of class is Thursday, July 31. Academic calendars are approved several years in advance and try to take into consideration holidays, added school days and other factors to best accommodate our students and community. Attendance for every day of school is very important – the first 100 days, however, are of special importance because of the impact on funding from the state.

What time does my child’s school start?
Each campus has slightly different start and stop times based on the age of students and needs established by the transportation department. From year to year, these times may change slightly. To see the full listing of start and dismissal times for schools in Deer Valley, please check the website.

Does Deer Valley offer child care recommendations?
Before & After Childcare is offered at numerous sites throughout the district through the Community Education Department