Restroom Practices
DVUSD Restroom Practices
DVUSD administrators, teachers, and staff focus on providing an environment that is conducive to the best learning achievement for each student. We know that providing a safe school environment -- one in which students are safe, but more importantly one in which they also feel safe -- allows them to have a more positive educational experience and ultimately learn and achieve more. DVUSD has policies regarding expectations of behavior for all students while they are at school, whether they are in classrooms, on the playground, in the cafeteria, or in restrooms.
We have focused and will continue to focus on creating and maintaining a safe and caring environment for all of our students. If a student feels uncomfortable using the public restroom for any reason, which could include health reasons, cultural concerns, or privacy issues, we will provide a private option.
Of the thousands of students we serve, many have unique needs. Over the years, we have provided support to the best of our ability to all students, including transgender students. We work with students and parents individually to accommodate student needs, while maintaining a safe environment for all.