
    Welcome to Mr. Bowman's Social Studies Class!

     New Learning

    To see a copy of my class syllabus, follow the link for either 7th or 8th grade (The Syllabus contains my classroom procedures, absent policies, expectations, curriculum, and grading scale)

    7th Grade Syllabus: Click Here

    8th Grade Syllaubs: Click Here

    To download the Student/Parent Syllabus agreement form, click here.
    CANVAS IS THE HOME TO ALL OF MY DAILY CURRICULUM, LESSONS, ETC...Please head on over to my Canvas page. 


    • Students can reach me through Canvas and parents can reach me via email at: sean.bowman@dvusd.org
    • You may also call the front office. My extension is: 7862. However, outside calls do not come through during the school day, so email is your best option as I check it regularly throughout the day.
    • I will also send out regular announcements via Canvas for students. 
    Test Retake Information
    If you would like to access the test retake form, click here.  All items on the retake form must be completed and turned in within 5 days of the original test being returned to be eligible for a retake. Once all of the work requirements are submitted and the test retaken, an average of the two test scores will be used to issue your final test grade.